New Cascadia Window Regulator Motor Stop Working
Posted by: Duaparts on
FTL New Cascadia
Window Regulator Motor Stop Working or Operates Intermittently in Driver Side / Passenger Side or both sides.
The window regulators motors are not designed to be run continuously. The window regulator motors have a thermal cutoff. If they are run long enough, there will eventually be an open circuit and get a fault code. It would stop all the way up or all
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Cascadia stop lights come on with engine brake
Posted by: Duaparts on
APPLICABLE VEHICLESAll CascadiaISSUECustomer does not want the brake lights to come on when the engine brake is active.DISCUSSION:Activation of the stop lights when the engine brake is applied is an optional feature. Activation of the stop lights occurs when the engine brake level selection switch is in the HI position and the engine is applying at least 70 percent of its braking power.The S
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